What is a Universal Opt-in Link?
A universal opt-in link is a clickable link that can be used in social media posts and stories, emails, your website, and anywhere you can attach a link. When a mobile user clicks on a universal opt-in link, their texting app opens a text message with your texting number and opt-in textword to subscribe. If a desktop user clicks on the link, they are directed to your opt-in landing page or a web page of your choice.
Create Your Universal Opt-in Link
The Power of Universal Opt-in Links
Convenient for consumers
With our universal link's two-tap opt-in technology on mobile, users simply tap the link on your sign-up unit that loads a pre-populated text message on their device. Then, they hit “send” to sign up and start receiving text campaigns from your business.
Functional across all devices
Whether a mobile user taps on the link or a desktop user clicks on the link, they are given the option to opt into your text service. A mobile user experiences the most convenient journey to opt in but driving desktop users to a landing form with your opt-in form is jjust as easy.
Multiple Opt-in Strategies
Add your link to social media stories and posts to make it easy for mobile users to sign up for texts using the two-tap opt-in technology. You'll still catch consumers if they're accessing social media from their desktop by directing them to a landing page with your signup form.
Use a QR code generator to create signage that allows mobile users to sign up using our convenient two-tap opt-in technology.
Implementing Your Universal Opt-in Link
Type your Texting Phone Number.
Type your phone number used to collect text subscribers. This is the number you selected for your keyword in the Keywords Manager in your Age Texting account. The number you enter into this field should be a 5-digit short code or a 10-digit long code (10 DLC).
Enter your Opt-in Keyword.
In the SMS Message Body blank, type the opt-in keyword you created in Keywords Manager in your Age Texting account.
Choose your fallback link landing page.
The fallback link is the landing page that desktop users will be directed to when they click your universal opt-in link.
Make note that the link you enter into this field should NOT include "https://www." Those beginning characters prevent the functionality of the code and will not correctly generate your link.
Consider embedding our webform into a web page on your own website and then use that web page link as your fallback link.
Generate your link.
Click the "Generate Universal Link" button to view your custom universal link.
Shorten the universal opt-in link.
Copy and paste the generated link into Age Texting's built-in URL shortener. If you are not an Age Texting customer, you can utilize other link shortening tools like bitly.com.
Promote your shortened universal opt-in link.
Add your new link to any and all marketing elements. This functionality works across all devices. Add to social media, email marketing campaigns, generate a QR code with this link, attach to banner ads, and so much more.