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Campaign URL Generator

Young woman with dark hair in denim shirt engaging with a text message.

Campaign URL Generator

Create a custom link that allows Google Analytics to identify when SMS marketing is driving traffic to your website.
What are UTM Parameters?

UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters, also called UTM tags, are small bits of code you can add at the end of your normal URL to track the traffic that clicks that specific link.

With UTM code, you get to see how effective your marketing activities (called “campaigns“) are and how visitors engage with your website. You can use them to track clicks on any type of digital marketing campaign—from emails and social media posts to QR codes and more.

A normal URL would look like this:

Our campaign URL generator above automatically assigns the source and medium for your Age Texting SMS marketing campaigns. Simply shorten the generated link using a link shortener. 

For example, let’s say you want to know how many visitors click on the link in a specific SMS campaign. With Age Texting's easy-to-use Campaign URL Builder, you can create a URL like this:

Campaign URLs are extremely useful for tracking precisely where your traffic comes from, so you can evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

You can use Campaign URLs any time you have control over an external link. 

In addition to SMS marketing, this applies to:

  • Paid ads

  • Guest posts

  • Email marketing

  • Social media posts

  • QR codes

  • And more

Please note that the campaign URL generator on this page can only be used for Age Texting SMS marketing campaigns. 

To create a campaign URL for other media and sources, you can use the Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder to specify other media, sources, campaign timeline, keywords, and more. 

There are 5 tags in UTM code, with the last two being optional:

  • Source (utm_source): Source shows you the source your visitors are coming from, like Google, Facebook, Twitter, or your email marketing provider

  • Medium (utm_medium): Used to identify the campaign medium of your traffic, like email, social media, or ad

  • Campaign (utm_campaign): This is where you’ll add a campaign name that makes sense to your initiative, like newsletter, spring-sale, or product-launch

  • Term (utm_term): If you’re running a pay-per-click (PPC) ad, then this tag helps you identify which paid keyword you can attribute to the traffic

  • Content (utm_content): Use this tag to explain which element was clicked, like footer-cta or header-banner

Note: UTM tags are case-sensitive. Decide on a naming convention before naming your campaigns so that your campaign parameters are concise and will be recognizable on youg Google Analytics reports. Decide on things like uppercase vs. lowercase and when you’ll use dashes vs. underscores.

Create Your Text Campaign URL with UTM Parameters

The Power of Unique Campaign URLs
Google Analytics 4 Traffic Acquisition session source/medium resporting

Accurate tracking

You can identify which campaigns, channels, or platforms are driving traffic and conversions.

Improved campaign optimization

You can quickly identify underperforming campaigns and make adjustments.

Better audience understanding

You can track each campaign or ad set separately to see how people are interacting with your website.

Simplified reporting

You can filter and sort data based on UTM parameters to create customized reports.

Better budget allocation

You can see which campaigns are most effective and reallocate your budget accordingly.

Targeted marketing

You can better tailor your marketing efforts to meet your customers' needs and preferences.

Implementing Your Campaign URL

Type your Texting Phone Number.

Type the phone number used to collect text subscribers. This is the number you selected for your keyword in the Keywords Manager in your Age Texting account. 

Enter your Opt-in Keyword.

In the SMS Message Body blank, type the opt-in keyword you created in Keywords Manager in your Age Texting account. 

Choose your fallback URL landing page.

If a desktop user clicks on the link, they will be directed to a web page with your opt-in form. Make note that the URL should NOT include "https://www." This prevents the functionality of the code and will not correctly generate your link. 

Generate your link. 

Click the "Generate Universal Link" button to view your custom long link. 

Shorten the universal opt-in link. 

Copy and paste the generated link into a URL shortener.

Promote your shortened universal opt-in link. 

Add your new link to any and all marketing elements. This functionality works across all devices. Add to social media, email marketing campaigns, generate a QR code with this link, attach to banner ads, and so much more. 

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